Take a Break


Tip #18: Take a Break

laptoppinksleevesThis one is really a reminder for myself. It is so easy to sit down at the computer and never get up. If you are one of those people who literally spend hours sitting in front of your computer, schedule breaks in for yourself. You may need to set up a reminder in your calendar or set a timer.

We all know sitting too long is not good for our health, but we do it anyway.

If you catch yourself procrastinating it may be because you need a break. Procrastinating can be our mind and bodies way of saying we’ve had a enough. Give yourself permission to take a break.

My advice: when you take a break from your computer, also take a break from your smartphone, eReader and TV. Take a complete screen break. Do something different. Get out of your comfort zone!

How long have you been sitting at your computer today?


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One thought on “Take a Break

  1. Nora Rubinoff

    Sally, I love this article, and especially your quote “If you catch yourself procrastinating it may be because you need a break. Procrastinating can be our mind and bodies way of saying we’ve had a enough. Give yourself permission to take a break.”

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