Sally Around the Bay


Confidence in a Box

Kylie from Tilda Virtual Services tagged me and now I have to write about confidence. Okay, I get to write about confidence not have to. Thanks Kylie!

Confidence can be a fleeting state of mind, at least for me. Some people seem to have confidence at all times. Others seem to have none. Mine comes and goes depending on the situation, my mood, my hormones, etc.

I admire people with high self confidence.

I find the older I get the more confidence I have. I guess life experience does that to a person.

Being a business owner it is important to have high self confidence. I know for myself if I am going to hire people who are confident. If I am looking for an accountant, a doctor or a lawyer, I don’t want someone that says, “I think I can help you with that”. I want someone who says, “Yes! I can do that for you!”

I like confident people… but I don’t have a lot of patience for know-it-alls. You know the type, they act like they know everything and always have to one-up you in all conversations. That is not confidence. That is just plan annoying.

Think about that next time you are trying to land a client… when they ask you if you can do something that you know how to do, how are you going to answer them?

As Kylie did… I am passing the confidence box along to some seasoned bloggers and some new kids on the block. I tag Jennifer from Atypical VA, Patty from Time is of the Escents, Yamisi from In Touch VA, Anita from Above and Beyond Administration, Pam from Delaney Imaging and Jodi from Vanguard Business and Outsourcing Solutions.

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