Sally Around the Bay

Do you dare to dream?


This morning I was taking a few minutes to relax and read my Oprah magazine. I read the interview with Fantasia Barrino.

Fantasia, the 3rd American Idol woman dared to dream. Fantasia was raped at the age of 14, dropped out of school and was pregnant at the age of 17. She had a learning disability that was never diagnosed so reading was a challenge for her. She was not good with numbers either so it was hard for her to find a decent job. But she was great at singing! She now has two albums, a memoir and is starring the the Broadway play The Color Purple. With only $50, a borrowed car and her old clothes she got herself to the auditions.

She said when she was a child she used to dream about being on stage in front of lots of people.

What do you dream about?

Remember to keep dreaming!

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