Sally Around the Bay

Monday Morning


It’s Monday! Are you ready to hit the ground running? Or are you sitting here reading blogs because you are feeling overwhelmed and don’t know where to start?

If the second is true for you stop right now (after you finish reading this blog post), get out a piece of paper and write down every thing you have to do this week.

Now, review your list and put a mark by the ones that need to be completed today. Take another sheet of paper, put today’s date at the top and transfer all the tasks that need to be done today to this list.

On today’s list prioritize your tasks (1,2,3). Now, what is task #1? Go do it!

Let’s all have a productive week!

2 thoughts on “Monday Morning

  1. Candy

    This is why I love David Allen’s Getting Things Done system. I never have to wonder “what now”, just review the list and start on something! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Sally Kuhlman, Virtual Simplicity

    I haven’t actually read his book but I think I will. From what I’ve heard, I love his system! I’m all about the Flylady acronym, “DING – Do It Now Girl! (or Guy!)” My own system is based on the Franklin Covey method with a Sally twist added to it.

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