Sally Around the Bay

Twitter Rant and Time Saving Tip


Are you a Twitter addict?

I know many of you are on Twitter because I see your tweets. Here is a quick little time saving tip about Twitter.

Don’t let Twitter take over your life! Twitter is awesome and it is fun! It’s a great way to keep up with the masses and to meet new people. But… it can take over your life if you are not careful.

One little bit of advice I heard from someone at a VAnetworking seminar (I can’t remember his name at the moment) was to treat Twitter like the water cooler at the corporate office. You know how you walk by the water cooler and hear the end of a conversation and join in if it is interesting. Well… that is what you should do with Twitter. Like the water cooler you don’t get to review the last 15 minutes (or 24 hours) of the conversation that you missed you just get to jump in where it is at.

I hear many of you saying you are catching up on your Tweets. When I hear that I get nervous. I think oh that person is going to wonder where all their time went. The people that catch up on all their missed tweet’s are probably the same people complaining they don’t have enough time to finish their client work, they don’t have enough time to spend with their family, and that there just never is enough time to do everything they want to do.

It’s okay if you miss a few tweets.

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