Sally Around the Bay

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Thanks to Corine who commented on my last post with this video link and thanks to HappySlip for creating this fun video.

A few weeks ago, I posted this under my notes* in Facebook®.

Facebook is weird!

It’s the one place where your past & present collide. Your personal and professional life overlap (well at least mine does). Your friends from middle school suddenly appear and post a ton of pictures of you from when you were 12. Your ex-boyfriends start appearing one at a time and now they are all in one place together. Your clients, employers, co-workers, ex-friends, new friends, kids, kid’s friends, ex-husbands, lovers, acquaintances and strangers all together commenting on what you are doing at the moment. Friends from high school, people you don’t remember from high school, people that remember too much from high school, your family, your neighbors… They are all there (here) together. People in your life that would never interact now have the opportunity to interact. It’s just weird. Normally when you go for a job interview or are negotiating a project with a new client you don’t show them your pictures from middle school, talk about your exes, or tell them what you are doing every minute of the day. I’m just wondering what this all means in the big picture of life? It’s kind of strange and cool at the same time.

I’m not sure how I feel about having you all here together… so far it’s a fun ride.

Would love to hear your thoughts about this big social experiment we are all involved in.

*notes in Facebook® is similar to a blog.

This got me thinking… I update my Facebook® page quite frequently and maybe I don’t want every single Facebook® “friend” of mine to always be in-the-know of exactly what I am doing.

Did you know you can change your privacy settings so your “friends” don’t get updated every time you comment on a picture, write on someone’s wall or update your status? You can even specify certain “friends” to get limited updates from you. (You know those friends who it caused less drama to accept their friend request than to ignore it. If you have friends like that.) *wink*

To change your privacy settings in Facebook®

  • Sign in to your account
  • Click on the link Settings (located at the top right of your screen, next to your name)
  • Click the word manage (next to Privacy)
  • Click on the word Profile
  • Click on Edit Custom Settings under Status Updates
  • Where it says Except These People add in any of those special friends you may not want seeing your every move.

Please post your Facebook® questions here. If I know the answer, I will blog about it in future posts.

Become a fan of Virtual Simplicity on Facebook®!

If you are new to Facebook®, want to set up a Facebook® profile or page for yourself or your business and just don’t have the time or the patience to do it yourself… Virtual Simplicity can help you!

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