Sally Around the Bay

Earthquake Drill in California


earthquakeLiving in the San Francisco Bay Area I’m forced to think about earthquakes. This Thursday, October 15, 2009 California is going to be having a huge earthquake drill. The drill is called The ShakeOut Drill.

I have not participated in an earthquake drill since middle school. This is a good reminder to think about being ready for earthquakes and other emergencies.

Here is information about the Bay Area ShakeOut.

The ShakeOut website gives suggestions for being prepared such as doing a “hazard hunt” for items in your home that might fall during an earthquake, creating a personal family preparedness plan and putting together or refreshing your emergency supply kits.

Earthquakes are never fun to think about. I personally do not live in fear of an earthquake but I do believe it is important to be prepared. I’m adding getting prepared to my to do list this week.

Visit for more information on how to participate in the drill.

One thought on “Earthquake Drill in California

  1. Katie - OCMomActivities

    I remember the ’89 Quake so well. My husband (not originally from CA) doesn’t understand why it is so important to me to never let the car run low on gas or ever be far from the kids. Once you go through a Quake like that… it forever changes your perspective.

    Everyone should take a few minutes to prep, if for no other reason than to never NEED it. ๐Ÿ™‚

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