Sally Around the Bay

Chiropractors and Sandwiches in San Rafael


Today I went to see my chiropractor (who is also a client and formerly a colleague). Let’s just say I’ve known them for a very long time.  Drs. Norlin and Maria Merritt run Merritt Chiropractic Center in San Rafael. I’ve seen a lot of chiropractors in my time and they are the best! I get regular adjustments from Norlin who is constantly taking post graduate trainings to stay up-to-date on the latest techniques. He’s really good. I had some pretty scary car accidents as a teenager (fyi – I was the passenger, not the driver). These accidents left my neck pretty sore causing all sorts of other problems. Did you know if your neck is out of alignment it can be causing headaches and many other health related issues in your body? Anyway, getting adjusted by the Merritt’s has helped me tremendously. I feel 100 times better and have so much more energy. When you go in to the Merritt’s office you get more than a spinal adjustment, you also get an attitude adjustment – Maria and Norlin are always so upbeat and positive it’s a pleasure to visit with them.
In the next few months I plan to interview them so stay tuned for more info about the Merritt’s.

LJ Deli in San RafelAfter my adjustment today I walked across the parking lot to a little deli called LJ’s Deli.  I would have never even known this deli existed if Maria had not told me about it. I’ve been there a few times already and every time I’ve had superb, friendly service and delicious food. Today I ordered a turkey sandwich on a sour dough bread with cranberry sauce. Yummy!

LJ’s Delis is located at:
4380 Redwood Hwy, Ste B15
San Rafael, CA 94903

Merritt Chiropractic Center is across the parking lot at
La Plaza #C414
4340 Redwood Hwy
San Rafael, CA 94903
Merritt Facebook Fan Page
Twitter @DrsMerritt

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