Twitter Lists


Twitter Lists: Lists made by individual Twitter users to categorize people they are following. If you are wondering how to use Twitter Lists you can read about it here on Mashable.

Have you ever taken a look at the Twitter lists you are on? You might want to. I find it fascinating how people categorize me. These lists are a great way to tell what people think of me. I may think I am putting one image out to the world but the world may be seeing a whole other image. Or maybe the world sees me as I see me. Anyway, it’s late and I’m babbling but still go check and see what lists you on. You may be surprised.

Here are the names of some of the lists I am on:

business tech, in genius local, business services, sf bay area deals, social media, face to face, marin, virtual-assistant, web-social-media, social media, social media, owning pink,virtual assistants, i forgot why (my personal favorite), social media marketing pr, bay area, marincal, clover spreadshirt com (what?), random, imagineers, marketeers, travel, awesome people (I like this), pink sisters, marin sonoma, travelers, social media, bayarea, pinkies, ijfriends, travelers, to do bay area, oakland essentials, awesome tweets, san francisco, marin county sf bay area, virtual support, local friends foodies, business divas, va rock stars, sflocal, experts, writers, twitter crushes, good vibrations, our gang, mini cooper, local media, movers n shakers, san francisco bay area, marinareapeeps, gay marriage…

If you want to remove yourself from a list. I think this trick still works: Remove Yourself From a Twitter List

I’d love to hear some of the funny lists you are on.

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