Sally Around the Bay

Should I Set Up a Twitter or Facebook Account for My Business?


Yes! If you are a business owner you really do need a Twitter and Facebook Page for your business. It’s important for businesses to be involved in social networking.

socila mediaPhoto by Matt Hamm.

According to Mashable (in 2010! Think about how much these numbers have grown in the last few years!):

the study by Chadwick Martin Bailey and iModerate Research Technologies found that consumers are 67% more likely to buy from the brands they follow on Twitter, and 51% more likely to buy from a brand they follow on Facebook (Facebook). Moreover, they’re 79% more likely to recommend their Twitter (Twitter) follows to a friend, and 60% more likely to do the same on Facebook”

Read the whole article here on Mashable.

Is your business on Twitter & Facebook yet? Have you joined in the conversation? If you need some help getting started with social media → Sally Around The Bay is here to help! Contact us if you are ready to jump on the social networking band wagon!

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