A Toast for Toastmasters


Toastmasters can be for anyone, you don’t have to live in the Bay Area to go to a Toastmasters meeting. You can find Toastmasters meetings all over the world.

I’m a member of the San Rafael Dominican University Toastmasters group. I’m actually the VP of Public Relations.

I joined Toastmasters because I realized I was losing the art of verbal communication. I was spending so much time on my computer networking online with others that I was starting to lose my voice, literally. You know the saying, ‘if you don’t use it, you lose it’.

I joined Toastmasters because I wanted to get more comfortable with public speaking but I’ve learned there is so much more you can get out of Toastmasters. Since joining a year ago I’m more confident negotiating deals, I’m a better listener and I’m comfortable taking charge in group situations. I’m also quicker to think on my feet.

In the past while at dinner parties I’d often freeze up during interesting conversations. My mind would just go blank and I’d have nothing to contribute, until later that night after the party was over I’d think of all sorts of interesting and intelligent things to say. Since joining Toastmasters and regularly taking part in the activity called Table Topics I’ve found that I’m now able to “think on my feet” and participate in these conversations.

Our group meets every Tuesday from 12-1. We meet at Dominican University but the group is open to the public. Our members consist of students, teachers, faculty, staff and community members (like me). We are a very relaxed and fun group.  Our number one focus is on having fun. We welcome guests and new members! If you’d like to visit our group please stop by any Tuesday at 12.  Currently we are meeting in Guzman Hall, Room 201. Check our Website to confirm location, we occasionally change room locations.

For more information visit: Dominican Toastmasters
We’re also on Facebook and Twitter.

To find out about Toastmasters in your area visit the Toastmasters International Site.

PS. If you are thinking about joining Toastmasters but feeling a little intimidated… just do it! If you want to talk more about our group feel free to contact me directly. And if you are worried about the cost, it is very affordable. There is a one time $20 new-member fee, then $27 dues every six months. (pro-rated if you join in mid-term).

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