Sally Around the Bay

Forty and Fabulous


So my life got put on Fast Forward… unbelievable how fast time flies when you are working full time, outside of the house. In addition to constantly having the songs “The Wheels on the Bus go round and round” and “Day In, Day Out” (by David Bowie) in my head, I feel like I haven’t stopped. I hit the ground running a few weeks ago and am finally, finally having a moment to slow down. I’m tired.

Last weekend I celebrated my 40th birthday. How the heck did that happen? 40 years! I still feel like a teenager. I had a big birthday bash full of lots of friends. I wanted to invite ALL of my friends but unfortunately they don’t all fit in my house so I only got to celebrate with about 60 people. For my 50th, I’m renting a place so I can include everyone! My birthday party was a HUGE success! It was catered my good friend (a.k.a. Chef Amy) from Relish Catering. The food was absolutely exquisite! If you are looking for someone to cater your holiday party, stop reading this now and contact  Relish Catering. I’m telling you they are the BEST ever!!!!  While you are at it be sure to “like” their Facebook page.

Besides the amazing food by Amy, the awesome music (by my DJ friend Beth), and being surrounded by my old, new & Twitter friends, I was really happy to have some of my southern California people here to celebrate with me. My friend Lauren came all the way from Sherman Oaks, my sister and her husband from The OC and even Jason my-high-school/college-boyfriend-turned-current-friend-thanks-to-the-internet (who is a really cool dude – he’s a Luthier – guitar maker) came all the way from Laguna Beach to play music and celebrate with me. He makes beautiful guitars like this:

It was so great to have my past collide with the present.

Anyways, I’m 40 now… and you know what? I’m totally fine with it. I’m pretty happy with my life at the moment.

However, there are a lot of people around me, who are hurting right now and going through some tough times. If you are one of those people I’m sending you some virtual love. {{{hug}}}

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