Email Overwhelm
I haven’t been checking my Virtual Simplicity email much since I started my new job. I glance at it here and there to make sure there are no personal/important emails but besides that I’ve basically been ignoring my email account. I put an auto-responder on letting people know I rarely check this email anymore.
Not checking email on a daily/hourly/instant basis has made me realize how much CRAP comes through my in box. When I was checking my email 24/7 I didn’t really think about it I just dealt with it, deleted it or delegated it but OMG when I let it pile up for a month it was a rude awakening about how much time I wasted on useless emails.
How do you manage the onslaught of emails?
Below are some things I am doing to conquer the email overwhelm. I’d love to hear what you do to stay on top of the email monster.
- setting an auto-responder letting people know I don’t check this email regularly – ie. don’t expect instant gratification if you email me.
- unsubscribing to all the lists I’m on, even the interesting ones. The lists are a huge energy drain. I really want to read your newsletter, I really want to hear about the next deal, I really want to read your little motivational thingy but I DON’T have TIME and they just pile up nagging me. If I really want to know about what you are doing or selling I’m going to go to your Twitter, Facebook, Website or blog to find out.
- if someone (ie. a high maintenance client, friend, etc) sends me multiple emails in one day I will only respond once to them answering all of their questions in one concise email instead of responding to their 20 emails which will likely generate 20 more right back to me.
One challenge I have is the forwarded emails from friends – you know those ones with cute little cartoons, poems, pretty pictures, chain letters, warnings, etc. Those friends that forward everything to everyone on their list. >:-| How do you handle those emails?
If you are totally overwhelmed, you could always hire a Virtual Assistant to help you stay on top of your emails. I know a few good ones. ๐
- Basic Bus Etiquette
- Loving Spoonfuls – Marin’s Soup and Dessert Challenge
Yeah I change my mail at least once a year, because many companies sell your information to other companies, specially the social networks and let other companies send to you a lot of spam, sending automatic response or mark them as spam it’s not gonna make any difference.