A Band of Wives and a few Wallflowers
On Thursday night a large group of women descended upon Mill Valley. There were so many beautiful women arriving, the town couldn’t contain itself and erupted in excitement.
The reason for all the excitement was the A Band of Wives event happening at El Paseo restuarant.
“A Band of Wives is not about being married to men. It is a sisterhood of women who are supportive of other women and are looking to connect with likeminded women. We are helping women bring community back to their communities.”
As I was driving to the event the street literally was erupting in front of my eyes (and my car). I was a little nervous to drive by but ended up getting a great car wash (and photo) at no charge.
When I arrived to El Paseo I knew I was at the right place because I found the patio full of beautiful women.
I was happy to find familiar faces as soon as I walked in. My Tweeps were there! I said hello to my tweep friends, made my way to the bar, had a glass of complimentary bubbly, then did I little mingling. Ran in to the authors (Sue Warhaftig and Beverly Butler) of the book, Meant to Be that we are currently reading for the Twitter Book Club, chatted it up with them for a bit and then like a magnet was drawn back to the corner where my Tweeps were. Guess what they were doing? They were in a huddle looking down at their phones! I joined them. I SO wish I had a picture! However, I did get a picture of our toes. We were acting like a bunch of 7th grade girl wallflowers with the difference that we were having a blast tweeting it up while chatting with each other.
So… we aren’t that bad, we did actually talk to some non-tweeting wives. How could we not? They were all so friendly.
At one point during the evening Christine Bronstein, the founder, got up to speak and tell us about a sister wife who is going through a very difficult time. Here’s an excerpt* from the ABOW Facebook page with an example of how the wives actually do band together:
After the first El Paseo gathering I wrote “Oh what a night! There are simply no words to describe the high that comes with flittering, fluttering and floating amongst so many amazing wives who came from far and wide and mingled and laughed and ate and drank and were merry all around!”
This feeling, this merriment and excitement and support was still in full effect on this July night but tenfold as wives packed up the venue and enthusiastically reached out to each other in true ABOW spirit… but our gathering was also bittersweet as wives lived up to our ABOW name and indeed banded together for one of our own who needs help, wife Tika Hick.
Thank you Christine for the spur-of-the-moment fundraiser for Tika. If you don’t know the story, our wife Tika has been battling breast cancer with a new baby, is scheduled for a double mastectomy on July 20th and could really use our support in now tragically losing her husband (http://ow.ly/5G4Nn ). Please keep her in your prayers and if you want to help financially:
Attn: Matt Johnson
Bank of Marin
501 Sir Francis Drake Blvd
Suite 100
Greenbrae, CA 94904
Make payable to Hick/Potts Fund, Tika Hick or Bank of Marin and reference Tika*Written by the fabulous Leila Radan who is the Director of Operations for A Band of Wives.
After lots of love, tears, laughter, socializing and tasty appetizers (the little cups of Mac-n-Cheese were to die for!) the geeks, I mean Tweeps decided to go out to dinner at Piazza D’Angelos. The 4 of us (@pobutler, @alembic, @tamholland and me) plus one innocent woman we planned to convert (a non-tweeting friend) headed over to Piazza D’Angelos where we sat down at a lovely table and promptly pulled out our phones to check in via FourSquare. We were more interested in our phones than in what the waiter had to say. I think we annoyed him a bit. When we finally got around to looking at the menu we discovered Piazza D’Angelos now has a gluten free menu! However, it seems the waiter isn’t fully sold on this menu yet… when Dolores and I ordered the gluten free gnocchi his response was do you want that one or the REAL one. We wanted the gluten free one and got it! I imagine being a waiter in Marin must be trying on the patience with all the quirkiness in diets that Marinites come up with.
Our plan worked, my friend Dolores converted and is now tweeting! She just had to try it after sitting there with us for awhile watching us tweet and chat about tweets. She grasped the concept of how Twitter works faster than anyone I’ve ever taught! She’s a natural. Follow her here: @mizstarryeyed She and I put our phones down long enough to take this picture.
A special thank you to Leila Radan for being SO active on the social networking sites keeping me informed about the upcoming A Band of Wives events. To Christine Bronstein for creating this wonderful group. Tolan Florence for welcoming us into El Paseo. To my Tweeps for sitting in restaurants with me tweeting. And all the wonderful women who showed up!
- Sally In The Bay
- Playing Tourist around the Bay
Thank you SOOO much Sally for this beautiful write-up, for your support and for all your love! It’s been the surprise of the day and just made my weekend so much brighter!
Thank YOU and your wonderful tweeps (all of you amazing wives of ours) for coming on out and living it up with us! We look forward tom ore such shared fabulous experiences with you wonderful ladies. MWAH!
#grateful #humbled #lovefesthigh
THANK YOU!! I’m so lucky to have so many fun. smart, generous and all around fabulous wives!! Thank you Sally for the lovely write up and for always keeping us informed.
Spectacular writeup! Thank You!
Thank you for this!
I am proud to be one of your tweeps and a member of ABOW – two awesome tribes! Great work on your coverage of the evening:)
Thanks for writing up the event – and the post-event fun with phones! 🙂 To the waiter we may have seemed a bot gadget-obsessed, but as I recall it, we had plenty of IRL laughs at the table, even with phones in hand.
Thanks for the comment love! I love my “wives” and Tweeps! They make the world a better place.
So fun to have my wives and tweeps come together! The more the merrier, indeed! Love your write-up about the event. And thanks for sharing my piece about Tika.
I am just putting together a website for marketing beaded necklaces that I am making and giving 50% of the returns to charities and non-profits. But I need help in setting up the business, marketing it on line and to speciality stores, keeping the website up to date, taking orders on the website, sending out the products, and all the business details that I do not want to attend to.
Is there anyone in the the Band of Wives who would be interested in being my associate and working together with me on this new adventure? If so, please email!
Thank you,
Constance Bernstein
Your business sounds interesting. I suggest you join A Band of Wives (it’s free)and get to know some of the wives to see if you meet someone who may be a good fit for your business. Also, VAnetworking has some very skilled and helpful people who you may be able to hire: http://www.vanetworking.com/clients/hire-a-virtual-assistant/
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