Sally Around the Bay

Vocabulary Lesson for Men


11/21/11 – Update
I’m updating this post to tell you this letter should have been addressed to Men & Women! I’ve had many people tell me they’ve also heard women use the word rape to describe things that are not rape. Men please accept my apology for generalizing & women, What is up with that?!

Dear Men (and Women),
Please do not use the word rape to describe anything other than a rape. When you use the word rape to describe being ripped off or taken advantage of it makes me think you do not comprehend just how serious a rape is. A rape is not being ripped off at the gas station. It is not paying too much in taxes and it is not what a used car salesman does when selling you a car. A rape is a horrible, atrocious offense against another human being. When you use it to describe these minor offenses it makes me think you don’t realize how terrible a rape is which makes me wonder if that is the reason rape is so prevalent in our society.

Thank you,

The women in your life


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