Sally Around the Bay

Linky Likey Love on Facebook


When consulting with business owners and entrepreneurs, the main question I hear is “how can I get more “LIKES” on my Facebook page?”. My answer is always the same: build relationships and join in the conversation. Social media is not about broadcasting, it is about connecting. Connect with others.

A few weeks ago I posted Linky Likey Love on my Facebook page and invited people to share links to their own Facebook pages in hopes to build community and bring more awareness to each others businesses, blogs, etc.

It was a success! Lots of people posted their pages and I discovered some great new companies thanks to that post. I decided to keep doing this every Thursday, as long as there is interest.

However, today I decided to shake it up a bit and ask people to post someone else’s page instead of their own.

Please join in the fun and post your favorite Facebook page here: it could be a friend, a client, a super cool business, whatever makes you happy. Remember networking is about building relationships, it takes 2 to tango, so be sure to “LIKE” at least one other suggested page on the list.

Thanks for playing!

PS. While you are there please click “LIKE” on Sally Around The Bay!



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