Sunday Gratitude and Taxes
This is my fourth Sunday of writing gratitude posts inspired by Michelle (Rite Here Now blog) who has been writing posts as a Lenten practice. I may continue writing regular weekly gratitude posts because it is helping me to put things in perspective.
This week I am grateful for taxes. Yep, taxes!
I can see you now… rolling your eyes or saying yeah right!
Let me explain…
I am grateful for taxes because…
- I’m done with my 2012 Tax return thanks to my super organized self employed spouse – Celia.
- We had to pay taxes because we had an income in 2012. Grateful for work!
- We had enough money to pay our taxes.
- Even though filing taxes as a married couple is a pain when your marriage is only recognized in the State and not by the Feds. It reminds me that the movement towards marriage equality has come a long way baby! We still have a long way to go but at least we are going in the right direction. At least I get to file my taxes as half married and am not living in fear for my life or in fear of losing my job because of my relationship status.
- Property taxes – I’m grateful for my home.
Did you file your taxes yet?
- Hugging Trees
- Supreme Court, Prop 8, DOMA and My Marriage
Taxes are in the works (on tax-lady’s desk!) and it will no doubt be an interesting week in the “politics” of Marriage Equality…may wisdom in justice, compassion and LOVE prevail!
I haven’t filed yet but it is on my schedule. Being grateful in the way you describe above is really the way we should see it. Thanks for the reminder.