Please do NOT endorse me on LinkedIn


Please do not endorse me on LinkedIn, unless you have actually worked with me or seen me do one of the skills you are considering endorsing.

I do not like LinkedIn endorsements. It’s silly. I have strangers endorsing me for things all the time.  I have had friends endorse me for bookkeeping, friends who have never ever seen my bookkeeping work. Why people? Why would you do this? What if I am a terrible bookkeeper?

Just because LinkedIn suggests you endorse someone for something does not mean you should. It defeats the whole purpose! If someone endorses you for something please do not feel obligated to return the favor.

Tip #13: Ignore the “Skills & Expertise” endorsement feature on LinkedIn.


Edited to add this comic spotted by @Ken_Homer via @DaveGray on Twitter

comic real world vs. internet

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4 thoughts on “Please do NOT endorse me on LinkedIn

  1. Tracy

    AMEN!!!! I’ve had people endorse me on Linkedin that I DON’T know!! I kept thinking, WHY would you endorse me?
    I’m not a huge linkedin fan, that made me even less so of a fan….

  2. Cathy Curtis

    I actually got a linked in email from a woman who said she endorsed me for several skills and asked me to endorse her back-and specifically listed the skills she wanted me to endorse. I don’t have any idea about her work!
    I was pretty disgusted.

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