Sally Around the Bay

Latinos are Givers #LatinosGive


family giantsFor all my Latino friends and family and all my friends and family who love and appreciate the Latinos in their life; it’s time to share your story on social media!

The organization I work with is focusing on changing the narrative around Latinos and reminding the world that Latinos are givers!

I will spare you my political rant about the current anti-immigrant candidates.

I love my immigrants (a.k.a. my family)

We are asking YOU to use the hashtag #LatinosGive… and finish the phrase #LatinosGive… with art, music, love, family, friendship, brain power, inspiration, etc. Whether or not you are Latino, you can still play.

For me personally, Latinos have given me a big, beautiful, crazy and amazing family (and lots of cool friends).

Here is how to participate:

Starting today until ‪#‎GivingTuesday‬ let’s show the world what our culture, values, and heritage give.

On December 1st, 2015 NBC Latino and HIPGive will select the top ‪#‎LatinosGive‬ stories to be published in a special feature.

Here is how YOU can be a part of #LatinosGive:

1. Complete the phrase #LatinosGive on your hand, arm, or a piece of paper.
2. Take a photo or video of yourself.
3. Explain the word(s) chosen either directly on your video or on the caption of your photo.
4. Share it on Facebook, Twitter and/or Instagram and, tag @HIPGive and 10 friends, and encourage them to join!

Find out more, and read other stories at:

And, follow HIPGive on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!






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