Sally Around the Bay

WW I am doing it!


I’m doing it! I signed up for WW (a.ka. Weight Watchers)! I am only one week in so I have no authority to review the process. However, I will share that I am enjoying the new system. I like the personal points experience and the zero point food options. The app makes it super easy to track my food and activity.

a scale and some vegetables

I lost one pound in the first week. I know I should be grateful but instead I felt frustrated realizing just how long this process will likely take. I found the WW Connect section of the WW app to be incredibly helpful. It’s basically a social media for WW participants. When I posted about my frustration, many kind strangers jumped in and sent me words of encouragement. I am also enjoying the 5-minute coaching recordings and the WalkTalks which are podcasts to listen to while walking that get interrupted with encouraging reminders from a coach to walk faster, slower, etc.

I’ve been feeling frumpy and frustrated for awhile. Between menopause and the last few years of stress I have been steadily gaining weight and nothing has been working to slow it down or reverse it. You know that feeling when you look at yourself in a photo and think ugh! That’s the feeling I have been having. Honestly, I just want my clothes to fit comfortably again. I’m reached the point where I had to either lose weight or buy new clothes.

In addition to joining WW, I have committed to hiking for a minimum of an hour at least 6 days a week. I’ve been doing early morning sunrise hilly hikes with my wife each day. It’s such a beautiful time of year around here and a wonderful way to start the day!

View from Miwok Trail, Mill Valley, Marin Headlands

One day a time. One pound at a time. One meal at a time. One step at a time. I hope to report back to you over the next few months with some good news!

If you are considering joining WW, please use my referral code. I believe it gives you a free month trial or a significant discount.

How do you stay healthy during challenging times?

#blogaday 2/10

4 thoughts on “WW I am doing it!

  1. Maria

    It makes such a difference to have a plan and commitment to changing habits. Like you, I have a morning routine these days and am trying to lose some weight that has accumulated over the months that I had to take medication. It helps to have our incredibly beautiful environment (and so far) great weather to be outdoors, one of the best “healer” for all that ails us.

    1. Cathy Curtis

      Good for you Sally. I have always heard great things about WW and I know people who have lost weight and kept it off following their program. I try and exercise every day in some form or another- gym workout, swim, bike or hike and just added pickleball. I try to eat salads as meals a few times a week. And try to keep sweets to a minimum and I do like sweets! Good luck, I know you can so this.

  2. Sue Warhaftig

    I’m 13 pounds down since last we had lunch. I use the Lose it app and my Peleton bike. Don’t think of how long it will take you…think of this as the rest of your life and you will either be depressed or wrap your head around it.

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