Sally Around the Bay

Is blogging dead?


Is blogging dead? I don’t think so. I am full of gratitude for the responses I have gotten over the last few days since I started writing blog posts again. Thank you!

I miss the early days of blogging, when bloggers were a community. I met many incredible and interesting humans through the blogging community. I think social media (almost) killed the blog, the same way it killed reading long articles and books and basically our general collective attention span.

I used to pride myself in being able to communicate in 140 characters or less. Or, being able to carry on a conversation with one person across multiple channels. I used to think multi-tasking was a super-power. I no longer feel this way.

I am ready for a slower pace. Unless you are working in an emergency room does everything have to be so urgent?

This summer, I am enjoying spending time in my garden, feeding the birds, going on morning hikes, visiting with neighbors and preparing healthy home cooked meals. I have a new found appreciation of all that is around me in this present moment.

Thank you for following along on my blogging journey.

crow standing on a rock wall with a peanut in its mouth

#blogaday 3/10

2 thoughts on “Is blogging dead?

  1. Sebastian

    “I am ready for a slower pace. Unless you are working in an emergency room does everything have to be so urgent?”

    This is a fact.

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