Sally Around the Bay

Sushi in San Anselmo


Last week we took our oldest daughter shopping for her prom dress at Gioia Boutique in San Anselmo which just happens to be located right next to Sushi 69. We stopped for sushi lunch before beginning the prom dress selection process. I had great plans to write up a fabulous post for Sushi 69 but my friend @SFDoug beat me to it. He writes so eloquently I thought I’d just send you to his blog to read about Sushi 69 instead of boring you with my rambles.

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Chocolate Delights


Actually, I wasn’t looking for chocolate, I was looking for a good coffee. I was craving a latte and I was in San Anselmo near Redhill shopping center and wanted something besides Starbucks or Peets. I saw the little, tiny, charming store in Redhill called Chocolate Delights and remembered they had coffee.

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