Hiking Around The Bay


Welcome to Sally Around The Bay! I have to admit, I launched this blog way before I was ready but that is because I got so excited about WordCampSF 2009! So, please bear with me as this blog is a work in progress. I am in the process of customizing the layout and pretty soon it is going to have a whole new (super cool) look. Although, I must say I do like this theme quite a bit.

I just couldn’t wait any longer to start posting. Instead of being a perfectionist I decided to just go for it because that is what this blog is all about: adventure, excursions, getting out of your comfort zone, and just going for it! Carpe Diem!

Besides only talking about the things that cost money in the Bay Area I also plan to share my low to no cost excursions with you. Here is my first, favorite and most affordable thing to do in the Bay Area: Hiking!

Hiking in Marin
I am so lucky to be living in Marin County! I go for a hike almost everyday with my neighbor Amy, her one eyed dog Annie and my dog Poncho. We are in walking distance to a trail head that leads us into the GGNRA.  We get to see views of the Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, Muir Beach, Tennessee Valley Beach, and basically the whole San Francisco Bay Area. The views are absolutely breath taking. This time a year is especially beautiful as the wild flowers are just starting to bloom.

Wild Flowers Marin County

Hiking With Annie
PS. Poncho actually has a fan club on Facebook:  Poncho – Is The Greatest Dog Alive. This was created by a young lady who baby sits Poncho and is the president of his fan club. Please feel free to join. It makes Poncho happy to see all his fans.  😉

Poncho Muir Beach

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