Sally Around the Bay

Stressed out? Overwhelmed?


messy desk auntylaurieMost of my clients and friends are feeling stressed out and overwhelmed. Maybe it is a sign of the times. I mean how can we not be with all the information being thrown at us at light speed.  Between emails, social media, and mobile phones, sometimes it is hard to catch our breath.

For years, I have been fascinated with time management and productivity. I have attended workshops, read endless books and even co-authored a book focused on time management and productivity, back in 2007. Since then everything has gone on fast forward. People barely have or make time to read books anymore. Most people are running around in the ‘putting out the fire’ mode rather than in the planning and preparing mode. People are literally spinning, not sleeping, and walking around with high levels of anxiety.

I teach my clients tips and tricks for setting goals, managing their to do lists and being more organized. I realize not everyone has the time or the means to work one on one with me so I came up with an affordable, simple solution to help people jump off the hamster wheel and start walking on the pathway towards being more calm and relaxed.

I wrote a 10 page booklet on managing and mastering your to do list. It won’t take you more than 10 minutes to read and it is only $3  $1.99. But, if you follow the steps in this booklet and take 10 minutes a day to do them you will start to see some big changes in your life. This booklet is for busy people who don’t have a lot of time to waste.

The reason I wrote this booklet is, I want to get this information out to as many people as possible and I wanted it to be affordable to everyone. The reason I am charging is because people commit more if they pay something.

And, I am hoping this booklet will help me reach one of my goals. I want to attend an upcoming writing workshop in the fall and I am hoping to sell enough books to cover the cost of the workshop which will help me finish writing my book about other mothers. It is a win-win for both of us.

Thank you!

To do list guide

Click here to learn more about the ABCs and 123s of Getting Stuff Done.


Or Buy the book now!



Photo by Flickr User auntylaurie

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