Sally Around the Bay

Goals, Goals, Goals


Lately, I’ve been immersing myself in the study of goals and prosperity. I’ve been listening to audios, watching films, reading ebooks and paper books, following forums on the subject… just about anything I can get my hands on.

I’m doing all this in preparation for the upcoming teleclass that Yvonne Weld and I will be teaching at the VA Revolution this Friday. One year ago, on November 1st I did a teleclass on Goal Setting for the VA Revolution members. I talked about the importance of writing down your goals. Once again the system of writing down goals has proven to work for me. I’m amazed at how many goals I actually reached. Goals that I wrote down last November 1st… some of those I didn’t even believe were possible (those were my big goals – thinking out of the box kind of goals).

I’m so excited to be teaching this class again and to be working on my new goals for the upcoming year!!!

“A full 97 percent of adults have no written goals. When you make out a list of 10 goals that you want to accomplish in the next 12 months, you move yourself into the top 3 percent of people living and working today. By the simple discipline of committing your goals to paper, you join the elite.” – Brian Tracy

Have you written down your goals? Are they written in a positive, present and affirming statement or are they just a wish list?

I’m going to stop drinking soda. (wish)
I put healthy things in my body. (affirming statement)

I’m going to write a book. (wish)
I write for at least 15 minutes everyday. (affirming statement)

I want to make $5000 a month. (wish)
I earn $5000 a month. (affirming statement)

I will blog three times a week. (wish)
I blog three times a week. (affirming statement)

One thought on “Goals, Goals, Goals

  1. Jaime

    Nice post, Sally! I really have to start putting my goals down on paper. It’s so easy to push this onto the back burner. Thanks for this.

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