Sally Around the Bay

Just Do It!


It’s the new year and many of us are focused on setting our goals and planning for the upcoming year. Knowing where you want to go is important but make sure you don’t get stuck in this phase. Make sure you get there by taking action.

Getting Stuck In The Planning Stage

Don’t get stuck in the planning stage. Although plan, plan, plan is one of our mottos, you also need to take action. Big, “get up and move” kind of action. Get out of your comfort zone and “DO something” kind of action. Many people get stuck in the planning and dreaming phase and never move to the doing phase.

(excerpt from Managing Your Thriving Business For Success)

What actions are you going to take this year?

2 thoughts on “Just Do It!

  1. Candy

    … and then there’s me who proclaims “We are going paperless” on December 31st and makes her tech guy figure out how to make that happen in just a few days (the scanner is on the way) *laugh*

  2. Sally

    Candy you are brave. I’ve gone halfway paperless. I did start paying all my bills online until my medical insurance company claimed they never got the payment – took me months to prove to them that the money was deducted from my account and deposited in to theirs. I now am back to send them good old fashioned paper checks – easy to track and photocopy when necessary.

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