Sally Around the Bay

Sales and Marketing Goals


What are your sales and marketing goals? Do you know? It is important to know where you want to go if you ever plan on getting there.

A group of us from the VARevolution are reading the book Get Clients Now! by CJ Hayden and working through the program together.

Here is an excerpt from the book that resonated with me.

“Having a sales and marketing goal gives you a destination in your business. Only when you know where you are going can you choose the right path to get you there. And you have to be clear about your destination to know when you have arrived.”

Kind of reminds me of the quote from Alice in Wonderland…

“One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. Which road do I take? she asked. Where do you want to go? was his response. I don’t know, Alice answered. Then, said the cat, it doesn’t matter.” – Lewis Carroll

Do you know where you want to go with your business?

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