Sally Around the Bay

Cafe Gratitude


cafe_gratitudeLast week one of my favorite Twitter friends Lissa Rankin was talking about Café Gratitude (and making me hungry for some yummy raw food). I knew Lissa would have great things to say about Café Gratitude so I asked her if she would consider writing a guest blog post for me. Turns out she had already blogged about Café Gratitude on her blog Owning Pink but she told me to feel free to use the blog post here.

For the record, I love Café Gratitude. I haven’t been there in awhile but I plan to go back soon. Besides the amazingly delicious (and filling) food, one of my favorite things about Café Gratitude is the names of their dishes. All of the dishes title’s are affirmations such as “I am abundant”, “I am beautiful”. You come out of Café Gratitude feeling like a million bucks. Here is an excerpt from Lissa’s post about Café Gratitude. You can read Lissa’s full post here.

Café Gratitude is SO Berkeley. Funky, sweet wait staff with dreads and burgundy hair, colorful art and a cozy fireplace make you feel right at home on a rainy day. For lunch, we feasted on DELICIOUS raw foods. The “I Am Abundant” appetizer sampler treated us to sprouted almond hummus, kale-sea vegetable salad, hempseed pesto crustini, spicy cashew nacho cheese with flax chips, olive tapenade, and a spring roll wrapped in greens with a Thai coconut-almond butter sauce. Matt couldn’t resist ordering the “I Am Sensational” live pesto pizza, which was a buckwheat sunflower seed flatbread crust topped with pesto, sliced tomatoes, and cashew nut ricotta, topped with a sprout salad. We sipped the “I Am Cool” hazelnut milk mint chocolate milkshake, and finished with the “I Am Perfect” pecan pie made with pecan butter and dates in a macadamia nut crust.

Café Gratitude has a multiple locations around the bay: Berkeley, Healdsburg, Oakland, San Francisco and San Rafael

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