Sally Around the Bay

Blogathon Day 1


blogathonToday is Day 1 of the 2013 WordCount Blogathon. This is my first time committing to a 30 day blogathon. I am going to do something a little different. I plan to use the next 30 days of blogging to share tips, tricks and techniques for those of you who want more time, more freedom, and more delight in your day.

This will include tips on managing your task list, tricks to save you time, techniques to help you get more organized and ideas to turn-on creativity. I will also be sharing suggestions for businesses and entrepreneurs to manage their social media more effectively to create a community (ie. a buzz) around their brand.

Welcome to everyone from the Blogathon! Please leave a comment below to say hello.

Tip #1:  Get out of your comfort zone! Try something new, even if it is as small as taking a different route home. Changing your environment can change your perspective.

“Do one thing every day that scares you.”  ~Eleanor Roosevelt

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” ~Albert Einstein

One thought on “Blogathon Day 1

  1. Rowena Starling

    Hmmm… Will have to think some on what I can do to get out of my comfort zone. Not feeling especially comfortable with blogging every day (now in the vlogginh stage). Hey! I’m already out of my comfort zone!

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