Sally Around the Bay

All I want for my birthday is time to write

book cake

photo by reveriecakes

This past weekend I attended the Golden Threads Writing Workshop led by Michelle Favreault. I am so grateful I had the opportunity to experience this. Michelle is an amazing writing coach. She created a peaceful, creative atmosphere for all of us to write in. The morning started out with some writing ice breakers and some writing exercises to get us warmed up. Then we were invited to take some focused time to work on our own writing projects. I used the time to work on my book about other mothers. At one point in the day I got stuck, really stuck. So stuck that I couldn’t physically write anymore, my arm actually hurt. Michelle took me aside and did some one on one writing coaching with me.

Michelle is amazing at being able to hold the space for you to speak your truth and to really dig deeper in to what might be causing the blockage. The night after the workshop I could not sleep. I tossed and turned all night then at about 4am I had a big eye opening realization of what had been causing my writers block. I got up right then at 4am and started writing and writing. I wrote right through that blockage. If I would not have attended the Golden Threads writing retreat I would probably still be sitting here in total frustration not being able to write. My arm is even feeling better after the retreat! I have been struggling with arm pain for years (but that is another blog post). Thank you Michelle.

I am determined to finish this book! In writing this book I have developed a huge respect for any writer who has finished a book. It is not an easy task. In fact, for me it is an incredibly difficult one. I am now at the point where I realize I need help if I am going to finish this book. For some reason, I feel I have to finish this book and get it out there in the world. I wish I could just toss this project like I tossed my ambitions to do CrossFit, but I don’t think I can. I really wanted to be a CrossFit person like Tamara Holland but I just didn’t have it in me and my arm (pain) refused to let me continue with it. Now I am trying out swimming (more on that later).

My birthday is coming up and all I really want for my birthday is time and guidance to finish this book. There is an upcoming writing workshop in San Francisco the last week in October, led my Eric Maisel. I want to attend this workshop! However, I am having trouble justifying giving up my time and money to pay for it when I need to work and need to pay my bills. I decided this workshop is what I am going to give myself for my birthday. To help pay for the workshop I wrote a tiny ebook and published it (all by myself) on Amazon in hopes to raise enough money to cover the cost of the writing workshops. If you’d like to help support me in finishing the BIG book and want to give me a birthday present this is how you can help. Buy my eBooklet: The ABCs and 123s of Getting Stuff Done (It is only $2.99). I’m doing my own personal crowdfunding. Thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚

You can read more about the booklet here.

Thank you for your support! My birthday is November 8th!

4 thoughts on “All I want for my birthday is time to write

  1. Jen

    I think you’re amazing for writing your book and I have complete faith that you will finish! I think it’s amazing you have a writing coach. Will you be my writing coach? I’m kidding, but I think it’s a lovely idea, nonetheless.

  2. Joanell Serra

    Enjoyed your blog (saw it on twitter). Interested in Eric Maisel workshop. I have finished my book – its the edits that are killing me! My blog has a post on a recent writing workshop I went to – Algonkian. Good experience. Good luck with your goal – keep writing! Joanell – Another Marin writer –

    1. Sally_K Post author

      @Joanell – I suggest you check out Eric’s upcoming workshop. He may still have a space open. I have heard wonderful things about him!

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