Magical Moments


Today I had the opportunity to connect with someone IRL who I have only known online for years. We aren’t even 100% sure how we met but we think it was through the early WordPress days, possibly at Word Camp. I miss those early days of blogging and the connections we made with other bloggers.

Today kind of felt like those times. I am grateful Dilyara reached out to me on LinkedIn and agreed to meet for a hike. Since I started WW a few weeks ago I am really making an effort to meet up with folx for walks rather than drinks or meals.

Besides connecting with an awesome human and having a lovely conversation about life, parenting, work, and the world in general we got to experience some magical wildlife. We met at Tennessee Valley early this morning and as we began our walk we saw a bunny and then another one. As we were coming back up the trail we saw a fox trot by with something in its mouth (probably a bunny). Then a minute later we saw a beautiful wild bobcat following the fox. They disappeared into the bushes. Next thing we see is the beautiful bobcat proudly walking down the center of the trail with the prey in its mouth. I am guessing the fox tried to steal the bobcat’s breakfast.

Sorry I didn’t get any photos of all the creatures I was too busy watching them in amazement.

Here’s to more magical moments during these stressful times in the world.

view of Tennessee valley beach

#blogaday 7/10

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