Sally Around the Bay

Sunday Gratitude


Inspired by my Twitter friend Michelle’s (@RiteHereNow) writing prompt:

I am thankful for…






Thankful for my hike with Twitter friend Maria (@alembic) yesterday in China Camp.

China Camp


Thankful for the wonderful dinner shared with @ernestoadiaz and family last night. Also thankful for the opportunity to try new recipes. For instance, Mejillones con Chorizo prepared by Ernesto. This recipe will most likely show up on his new blog soon.


Mejillones con Chorizo


Thankful to my friends who have invited me to watch the Oscars with them tonight!


red carpet


Thankful for my mom who is open to going on a last minute adventure with me next week. She’s coming up here for a whirlwind 24 hour trip to attend one of Marilyn’s vision book workshops.



Finally, thankful for forgiveness, for those people who have stuck with me through all the ups and downs and drama over the last 20+years.


Thank you.


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